About Us

Jacqueline has 30+ years of investment banking and entrepreneurial experience. She started her career in banking working on interest rate sales desks on the highly competitive world of the trading floor, moving up to heading the Derivative Sales Group as well as serving on the Executive Committee.

In 2009, given this experience of demanding roles in high-pressure environments, she began coaching and mentoring senior female executives to share her tips and strategies. It became apparent that if these talented women had been given access to learn these skills and knowledge earlier in their careers, it would have improved their abilities to lead, contribute and be heard.

Jacqueline realised there had to be a way to reach many more women, from many companies, industries and countries, to share these powerful tools and encourage these women to become the great leaders they have the ability to be.

In 2016, she founded Elevate – a global, virtual leadership programme – and after seven years, more than 9,000 women from over 50 countries, working in various industries and job functions, have graduated. Jacqueline is dedicated to empowering and inspiring future female leaders. She is the host of the Finding Your EPIC podcast and author of the Finding Your EPIC book, published May 2024.

Press releases

Career Success Strategies! Jacqueline Frost's Newly Released Book Shares...

Renowned executive coach Jacqueline Frost has released her book, Finding Your EPIC®: A Step-By-Step Formula for a Successful Career . This new... read more

16.05.2024 • By Elevate Talent Ltd
